Fortune Cookie Prize  

Fortune Cookie Prize is four things at once: a tribute record to the music of Beat Happening, a testament to K Records, a benefit for Sasha Bruce House, and a guide to putting out records.

  • BEAT HAPPENING: Olympia, WA's original gangstas. Beat Happening's music is ferociously simple, raw and political, innocent and catty. As you can tell from the list of bands who graciously donated their tracks, Beat Happening is a band that a lot of other indie musicians appreciate and respect.

  • K RECORDS: from the self-released cassettes of Beat Happening in the '80s to the lively catalog of today, K Records has been a vital force in the punk/pup underground. By rejecting the structures of corporate rock/punk and relying on creativity and common sense, K Records has become *the* prototype for many small, independent labels - living proof that you don't have to be an expert or a money-grubbing ogre to put out great records.

  • SASHA BRUCE YOUTHWORKS: a safe place for youth-at-risk in Washington, DC - a city where young black males have nearly as great a chance of going to jail or getting shot than finishing high school. With limited resources, Sasha Bruce provides support and guidance to teens in times of need. After manufacturing costs we donated 80% of the CD proceeds and 100% of the LP proceeds to Sasha Bruce. To date, that's $15,000!

  • PUTTING OUT RECORDS: In this release we condensed our Introductory Mechanic's Guide to Putting Our Records, Cassettes and CDs and enclosed the information as a insert in the LP and as a booklet with the CD.

  • SMR 07
    Fortune Cookie Prize
    LP: $9

    The Cannanes:  Tribute
    Velocity Girl:  Tales of Brave Aphrodite
    Leaky Chipmunk (Bob Weston, Bob Fay, Lou Barlow):  Our Secret
    Scrawl:  Bad Seeds
    Seaweed:  Foggy Eyes
    Thurston, Kim and Epic:  Black Candy
    Geek:  Night Moves on the Catwalk
    Love Child:  Ponytail
    Unrest:  I Love Calvin
    Superchunk:  Nancy Sin
    Fish and Roses:  Youth
    Whorl:  This Many Boyfriends Club

    You can get the Fortune Cookie Prize LP from Dischord mailorder.



Simple Machines Records © 1998-2007